
03 - my parents.

Dear Z&A

I love you both. I love you more than anything and anyone in the entire universe, and that love is never going to change. You raised me with so much love and care and have made me into the person I am today. Without you guys, I would be nothing. Really. I wouldn't exist if you guys didn't create me.

Dad, you're a happy-go-lucky kind of guy that is constantly goofing around. No matter what kind of a horrible mood I'm in, you always find some way to make me smile and laugh. That's one of your biggest talents. When I'm crying and broken-hearted, all you have to do is tell a little joke and I'll feel a million times better. I don't even care that most of your jokes are racist as hell, I still love them.

Mum, you may be a strict little woman that terrifies me half the time, but I know that that is for the best. Without your need for perfection, I definitely wouldn't have been what I am today. I definitely wouldn't be making the grades I make, or have the friends that I have now. And I thank you for that, I really do. I used to hate it, that you needed everything to be 100%. But now I can see that all you've really wanted was for me to be the best person I can be. I might not be there yet, but I'm on my way, and it's all thanks to you.

I've always been told that I've got your looks, Dad. Your family's big eyebrows, your jet black hair (ginger-y in the summers!) and your pale, pale skin. I've also got your incredible taste in music. You brought me up on Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Beck and The Offspring. Best. Music. Ever. Oh yeah, I've definitely got your sense of humor too. Can't forget about that.

When my friends meet you, Mum, they always ask me if I was adopted. Your skin is dark enough for you to be a Mexican, you have small eyes and light hair with perfect eyebrows. You're also the skinniest mom ever. You probably weigh like, 30 pounds less than me. The only thing that you and I have in common physically is our height. We both got the short end there. Literally. Even though we don't look alike, we share so much. We love fitness, we can't stand NOT reading, and we're listeners. Personality-wise, we're twins.

I love both of you. Always have, always will. Even though we fight all the time, it's just out of love, right? We never fight for long. I can't hold a grudge, and neither can you guys. It's just impossible. Someday I hope that I can make as good of a parent as you guys have... But I don't know if that could ever happen. In my dreams, I suppose.

they're kind of the best people i know.

Yeah, so that was all about my parents, Lisa and Greg.  Always feels weird to call them Mum and Dad because, well, I've never really called them that.  Since I learned to speak, actually, I called them by their real names.

Anyways, that was another letter.  I find it really good for venting, or just letting things out.  I don't really talk to people about how I feel, so this is basically perfect for me. 

Oh, and by the way, my three followers.... Hanging out with a super cute guy on Thursday... <3

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